Virus Removal

Virus  and Malware Removal Service

Virus removal is another service offered by PC Guardians. We operate in Macclesfield and surrounding areas such as Prestbury, Wilmslow and Knutsford. Most computer users will experience virus infection at some point. If you are fortunate your computer may be virtually unaffected by the experience. If however you get a particularly nasty malicious virus infection, both your computer and your data could be at risk. Viruses are an unfortunate part of the Internet and they are a constant nuisance to computer users and Internet users.

Virus removal Macclesfield 07955 520730

Call PC Guardians 07955 520730

A virus can be attached to an email or a file may contain a hidden virus. Caution is the way to avoid getting infected. If you receive an email from someone you do not know and it has an attachment (usually indicated by a paper clip) it would be advisable to not open it but delete it instead. If it is important the person can always resend the email to you.

It is also possible to get a virus simply by visiting a malicious web site. Everything appears fine to the user but malicious software and viruses can be downloaded in the background. Indications that you may have a virus include unusual behaviour when searching the Internet e.g when you click on a search result, you are redirected a different site. Your home page may also be changed to a search site that you have never heard of.

It is surprising how many computer users leave their home computer completely unprotected from virus attack. If you are reading this page, it may well be that you have reached the stage of needing some professional help with your computer.

PC Guardians are here to help you enjoy your computer and to take away any worries or concerns you may have when it comes to the safety of you and your family when online. If you suspect your computer may have a virus infection don’t hesitate to call us or fill out the contact form and see if we can help you. Virus removal is just one of the services offered by PC Guardians.

Call us on 07955 520730